Friday, June 6, 2008

What happens in Mexico...

SuperStar trip to Playa de Carmen, Mexico!!

Raymond did it! He won his 1st SuperStar trip with Alfa Insurance! This is a VERY HARD trip to win, only do their best agents ever make it, and my Raymond did it!

We had the best time. It was just the 2 of us in Mexico with no agenda for an entire week. Who could ask for more? We mainly stayed on the resort (where there was so much to do) the entire week. They had special dinner events planned for us 2 nights with live entertainment. We did go out Deep Sea Fishing one day and caught a 75lb White Marlin after 3 hours of fishing.

My Business trip to Munchen, Germany

In May 2008, I was given an awesome opportunity to visit our Porex office in Munchen, Germany! It was a great trip! I was there for 5 days, worked 3 and toured the city for 2. And I couldn't have asked for better "Personal Tour Guides" than Sonja & Monika! We toured the city on the same day that Munchen celebrated their National Soccer victory at City Hall with free beer for everyone! You could imagine the people that showed up for that! I also saw the opera house, local grocery, mall, churches, museum, markets, chocolate shops, toy store and much more! Even went to an English movie theater! I got the privilege of eating at all their favorite restaurants; German, Italian, Mexican, Thai (who could ask for more that awesome food?) And can you believe that I ate all this food and still lost 2 lbs!! I don't think I have walked so much in my entire life! It was great, no need for a car when you have such an awesome rail system. And they ride bikes and walk their dogs everywhere. Very conscious of the environment and health. I was truly impressed! Please click here to view all the pictures from my trip.